Passive Income with P2P Lending

About the author

Lars Wrobbel

Hi there! I’m Lars Wrobbel, and I’ve been writing on this blog about my experiences with investing in P2P loans since 2015. I also co-authored the German standard work on this topic with Kolja Barghoorn, which became a bestseller on multiple platforms and is regularly updated.

In addition to the blog, I host as well Germany’s largest P2P community, where you can exchange ideas with thousands of other investors when you need quick answers.

Since the start of my blog, my P2P lending experiences have led to many posts about individual platforms. So many, in fact, that as a beginner in the P2P lending space, it’s easy to lose track. Therefore, in early 2019, I began creating central pages for all P2P platforms that I can keep up to date and where you can access the most important information at any time. Those pages are also available in English.

The collection grows month by month based on my P2P lending experiences. Here, you will find some platforms on which I am not invested, and even platforms from the crypto lending sector. Just click on the tiles. The key data of the platforms are regularly updated, so feel free to bookmark your favorite platforms in your browser or share them with your friends. Enjoy!


Available and continuously updated platform tutorials

ᐅ Disclaimer
Please note my disclaimer. I do not provide any investment advice or make any recommendations. I am personally invested in all the P2P platforms I report on. All information is provided without guarantee. Past performance is not indicative of future results. All links to investment platforms are usually affiliate/advertisement links (possibly marked with *), where you can benefit, and I earn a small commission.

P2P platforms where I am invested

I have gained P2P lending experience with the following P2P platforms and have invested my own money in them. I regularly publish the amount of my investments in my quarterly reports. The order here also reflects the size in my own portfolio. If you want to know more about a platform, simply click on the corresponding logo!

Bondora is a classic P2P lending platform with a long history. With Bondora Go & Grow, it offers the simplest product in the industry and is my largest position.

Bonus Conditions: Immediate credit of EUR 5 after registration. Remains secure if at least EUR 50 is invested within the first 30 days.

peerberry anleitung

Although designed as a marketplace, PeerBerry is backed by a single large lender that controls the platform’s destiny.

Bonus Conditions: The 0.5% extra interest applies to all investments for the first 90 days and is added to the regular interest on the projects. So if you invest in an 11% loan, it will have 11.5% in the first 90 days.

robocash erfahrungen

Although relatively unknown, Robocash is a real heavyweight in the industry. The reason for this is the UnaFinancial Group in the background as a loan originator.

Bonus Conditions: There is currently no bonus for investors.

mintos anleitung

Mintos is the largest P2P marketplace in Europe. They offer access to over 50 lenders from all over the world. There is probably nowhere with a wider geographical spread.

Bonus Conditions: 15 EUR welcome bonus with a minimum investment of 1,500 EUR in the first 3 months after registration (excluding Mintos Smart Cash).

viainvest erfahrungen

Viainvest is backed by the VIA SMS Group, a transparent lender with a long history and one of the oldest platforms in my portfolio.

Bonus conditions: Investors will receive an additional 1.0% bonus interest on all investments made through me during the first 90 days. The investor will be notified of this in their account.

esketit anleitung

Esketit gehört auch zu den Kreditgebern, die Mintos den Rücken kehrten. Esketit ist noch sehr jung, aber eine super spannende P2P-Plattform!

Bonus conditions: Through my link you will get 0.5% cashback on all your investments you make in the first 90 days after you sign up.

Debitum specializes in corporate loans. However, they are set up as a marketplace similar to Mintos.

Bonus conditions: In the first 30 days, investors receive 1.0% bonus interest on their investments through me. (Term of the investments at least 90 days). The investments must be made within the first 60 days.

income kachel

Income is an exciting new P2P marketplace with revolutionary security technology to ensure that the buyback guarantee really is worth its name.

Bonus conditions: In the first 30 days, investors receive 1.0% bonus interest on their investments through me, with a minimum of EUR 10 and a maximum of EUR 500. The bonus is credited after 40 days.

lande erfahrungen kachel

LANDE is an exciting candidate and is now specialized in grain loans. An exciting addition to the portfolio.

Bonus conditions: You will receive 3% cashback on all your investments made in the first 30 days after registration via my link (till 31.10.2024).

ventus energy kachel

On Ventus Energy you can invest in high-yield bonds to finance power plants.

Bonus conditions: You get 1% cashback on all your investments for the first 60 days and an instant credit.

Monefit SmartSaver is a product that is very similar to Bondora Go & Grow. However, the interest rate is higher, and there is a different company behind it.

Bonus conditions: Using my link, you will receive 0.25% cashback on all deposits you make within the first 90 days after your registration + 5 EUR start bonus. The cashback bonus will be credited within 5 days, you get the 5 EUR directly after registration. 

crowdpear erfahrungen

Crowdpear is a young crowdfunding platform and a spin-off of the popular P2P platform PeerBerry. Here, you finance business loans under a regulated framework.

Bonus Conditions: The extra 1.0% interest applies to all investments made within the first 90 days and is added to the regular interest of the projects. So, if you invest in an 11% loan, it will have 12% during the first 90 days.

indemo erfahrungen

Indemo is an extraordinary platform. Because here you can invest in already defaulted real estate loans.

Bonus Conditions: There is currently no bonus for investors.

P2P platforms where I am not yet invested

These platforms are your requests that I have taken into account. Most of them are still relatively new, and you want to know more about them. I have researched the necessary information for you, but I am not (or no longer) personally invested, or only with a small test amount.

Just like Moncera, Lendermarket is a “Mintos refugee.” Behind the P2P platform is the Creditstar Group, a well-known loan originator from Mintos.

Bonus conditions: Through my link, you’ll receive a 1.0% cashback on all your investments made within the first 60 days after your registration. The credit will be applied within 5 days.

Product tutorials beyond P2P loans (advanced)

In addition to P2P loans, other products and platforms are also frequently discussed topics in our community, so it’s only logical that some of them find their way to the blog as well. Please note that for these products, advanced knowledge is often required to invest your money safely.


Freedom24 is an international broker with access to over 40,000 stocks, primarily focusing on Closed-End Funds (CEFs).

Bonus Conditions: Currently, there is no bonus available for investors.