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Lars Wrobbel dachte, dass es großartig wäre, falls Sie mit Investitionen in Immobilien beginnen.

Was ist Reinvest24?

Nachfolgend finden Sie vier einfache Schritte, die Ihnen erklären, wie Sie Ihr Portfolio aufbauen können. Investieren Sie aus jedem Teil der Welt über unsere einfache und sichere Online-Plattform.

In Objekte investieren

Wählen Sie die Objekte, die Ihnen am besten gefallen oder Ihnen am Vertrauenswürdigsten vorkommen und kaufen Anteile an diesen.

Verdienen Sie an der Miete und am Kapitalzuwachs

Sie müssen nichts machen, Ihr Geld und die Immobilien arbeiten ab sofort für Sie.

Verkaufen und auszahlen lassen

Sobald Sie sich entschieden haben, das Geld zu nehmen, werden wir das erhaltene Geld auf Ihr Bankkonto überweisen.

Berechnen Sie den Profit der Investition

Ein Investitionsrechner zeigt die mögliche Rendite auf.

Warum Reinvest24?

Immobilien waren und sind ein wertvolles Gut, deshalb gelten Immobilieninvestitionen als eine der sichersten Anlageformen. Immobilieninvestitionen hatten bisher hohe Anforderungen an die rechtlichen Formalitäten sowie hohe Eintrittsbarrieren – aber wir ändern dies. Reinvest24 hilft Ihnen, Ihre Investitionen zu verteilen und Ihr Portfolio zu erweitern.

Jelena Lavrenova

Jelena Lavrenova

Insurance broker, Tallinn, Estonia

«There are numerous investment platforms available on the market offering higher than average returns on you investments, but Reinvest24 offers an absolutely new revenue model due to rental fee income and property price growth together. There is no limited time for investment, so you can sell your claim units anytime. I invested into Reinvest24 and hope this company will grow their portfolio very fast into other markets.»
Andrey Stoyanov

Andrey Stoyanov

Theatre and movie actor, Moscow, Russia

«In Real-Estate, just as in the Actor's profession, it's important to make the right choice, which will lead you to success and bring dividends from all your efforts. My previous experience of successful investments was mostly dependant on advice from professionals and getting the details right, which helped to find profitable objects. Reinvest24 Team provides the solid basis and thorough analysis for investors, which is necessary for making a successful investment. The process of investing into Real-Estate was never so easy and fast!»
Pedro A. Peña

Pedro A. Peña

Property owner, Mallorca, Spain

«I have met with the Reinvest24 team at MIPIM18 conference in Cannes and invested into the first projects. I like their idea of making investments into property easy, compared to regular investment tools available on the market. Small entry barriers and transparent workflow.»
Jelena Lavrenova

Jelena Lavrenova

Insurance broker, Tallinn, Estonia

«There are numerous investment platforms available on the market offering higher than average returns on you investments, but Reinvest24 offers an absolutely new revenue model due to rental fee income and property price growth together. There is no limited time for investment, so you can sell your claim units anytime. I invested into Reinvest24 and hope this company will grow their portfolio very fast into other markets.»
Andrey Stoyanov

Andrey Stoyanov

Theatre and movie actor, Moscow, Russia

«In Real-Estate, just as in the Actor's profession, it's important to make the right choice, which will lead you to success and bring dividends from all your efforts. My previous experience of successful investments was mostly dependant on advice from professionals and getting the details right, which helped to find profitable objects. Reinvest24 Team provides the solid basis and thorough analysis for investors, which is necessary for making a successful investment. The process of investing into Real-Estate was never so easy and fast!»
Pedro A. Peña

Pedro A. Peña

Property owner, Mallorca, Spain

«I have met with the Reinvest24 team at MIPIM18 conference in Cannes and invested into the first projects. I like their idea of making investments into property easy, compared to regular investment tools available on the market. Small entry barriers and transparent workflow.»
Jelena Lavrenova

Jelena Lavrenova

Insurance broker, Tallinn, Estonia

«There are numerous investment platforms available on the market offering higher than average returns on you investments, but Reinvest24 offers an absolutely new revenue model due to rental fee income and property price growth together. There is no limited time for investment, so you can sell your claim units anytime. I invested into Reinvest24 and hope this company will grow their portfolio very fast into other markets.»
Andrey Stoyanov

Andrey Stoyanov

Theatre and movie actor, Moscow, Russia

«In Real-Estate, just as in the Actor's profession, it's important to make the right choice, which will lead you to success and bring dividends from all your efforts. My previous experience of successful investments was mostly dependant on advice from professionals and getting the details right, which helped to find profitable objects. Reinvest24 Team provides the solid basis and thorough analysis for investors, which is necessary for making a successful investment. The process of investing into Real-Estate was never so easy and fast!»
Pedro A. Peña

Pedro A. Peña

Property owner, Mallorca, Spain

«I have met with the Reinvest24 team at MIPIM18 conference in Cannes and invested into the first projects. I like their idea of making investments into property easy, compared to regular investment tools available on the market. Small entry barriers and transparent workflow.»

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